Wednesday 10 April 2013

Dell flap handle Android'u

If we recall that Dell released on Android, then how many devices will be able to call? The first thing that comes to mind - it's Streak. Large and smaller. It seems that the rest of us never sold. It was a long time ago, when Android was very young and the most recent version of any of the 2.x series with a painful postobnovleniem to third.
And we now know that Dell decided to formally and finally abandon the smartphones, tablets and even on Android. Instead, the manual digging decided that the focus is on the desktop, candy bars, laptops and ultrabooks.
Forbes reported that Jeff Clarke of Dell commented on the situation, saying that the competition in the smartphone market is now very high, and therefore issue its own devices currently requires considerable financial clout to get their share of the market. A discourage investment back is not as easy as monetization platform is through the sale of content and advertising to what Dell themselves are not involved. However, despite the fact that Dell did not see fit to release Android devices at the moment, Jeff Clarke assured that the company is following the development of the system, and because nothing in the future is possible.
In the the given same moment the main forces of Dell will be concentrated on a familiar piece to them the sphere of on release of of desktop PC and the laptops on Windows.

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