Wednesday 10 April 2013

Sony ahead of HTC in England

Today we have good news for Sony and not very pleasant for HTC. It turned out that the first overtook sales of their smartphones for a second summer. Sony could realize more than 500,000 smartphones, and HTC have reached a point of only 440,000. However, both of them, even inferior to the current leader of the alliance in the face of Samsung, which is already sold 3.2 million smartphones on Android. In all of this it is worth remembering that England for HTC always been a loyal market. There Taiwanese have long been among the leaders.

As you can see, released this year, smart phones from Sony relished stiff anglichnam. If Sony this year or next year will show no less worthy news, the company has a good chance to win some more of the market of mobile devices from competitors. Sony themselves believe that the increase in demand for their products has contributed to the fact that they have completely turned into Sony once instead of the usual Sony Ericsson. Besides, the company says that the new James Bond film, too, was not so easy and helped strengthen its position in the UK.

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