Monday 8 April 2013

The festival ended with mobile technology Mobilefest 2013

March 22-23, in the suburban park Yahroma was a two-day spring festival of mobile applications Mobilefest 2013. The fourth consecutive year, the festival brings together the space amazing people whose interests are related to mobile technology.

This year, 270 came Mobilefest developers and customers of mobile applications. More simply not together in a small Yakhroma.

During the festival participants and speakers talked about what future mobile applications, how to promote non-gaming applications, why not create the game of your dreams, and that pose a metric that is preset and what they eat, how to develop applications for large customers and where to take them, how to work with customers and team.
As part of a contest of ideas Mobilefest mobile applications Hackaphone . 48 hours hakafontsy hard kodili their ideas to create a prototype of a new application and conquer the jury unique offer and the unusual presentation. The result - 3 winners: "Trust, but verify», «Life moments» and «Find your bottle». Participants received iPads from the main sponsor of Hackaton, IMI.VC, and an invitation to discuss the terms of the possible investment in the development of projects.
The conference part was quite intense, but, nevertheless, the participants were able to find time to go skiing and boards, as well as touch on the slopes Yakhromski tubing. After an active day, the survivors went to the after party, where immersed in an atmosphere of music, fun and cocktails.
Next Fest ready in September, traditionally under Peter!

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