Monday 8 April 2013

The first problem with the Sony Xperia Z

Some owners of smartphones Sony Xperia Z sounding the alarm, reporting that this coveted by many flagship company can fail at the most inopportune moment. Yes, even as a sum! It is said that some of the Xperia Z without mechanical action itself off without the ability to be turned on again.

Some owners managed to resuscitate their gadgets using the service combination power button + gromost up by making the smartphone reset to factory default settings. But this trick works not in 100% of cases.

It also remains unclear what is the reason for this strange behavior Iskpery. The Sony stated as if it is connected to a full charge-discharge machines, but users have already refuted this assumption. The good news is that in the Sony aware of the problem, it is recognized and obscheschayut to release a patch that will solve the problem. But as soon as the update will be released is not specified.

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