Sunday 2 June 2013

Apple and Samsung are working on fingerprint scanners

Time flies, and now can be found in modern technology devices, from which the industry had once refused. Whether it is support for Galaxy Note stylus or rebirth IR ports on the latest flagships tinned brands. Now we hear rumors that Apple and Samsung are developing methods of user authentication for typos fingers. But it is also met once more in regular dialer from Pantech or the first Android smartphone from Motorola (if you remember the Motorola Atrix).

Inasmuch as Apple and Samsung are currently literally move the mobile industry, setting the eigenvectors of its development, there is no doubt that if these monsters will set the trend for the fingerprint scanner, the smaller players it certainly will pick up.

What currently exist at all methods of identification?
Usually it is either a physical key, that is some kind of card or USB flash drive or other media that you have, and you can use in order to verify their identity. Or will it be a kind of knowledge - a password or phrase, or other code-word that only you know, and you can enter the name or to confirm their identity. Or is it so personalized things, like a fingerprint, retina pattern, etc.
Combining these identification methods can significantly increase the level of security. Immediately to mind comes from the identification of a two-tier Google, when you first asked to provide a password, and then still get some confirmation on some object, the one you get, in this case the phone.
Even more robust look just for the unique identification of the parameters of the body. These things are much more difficult to counterfeit than, for example, the password you type spy. However, these methods require the identification and validation of more complex algorithms. Also, if we use similar mechanisms, there have to make allowances for some possible error. These parameters can sometimes vary slightly due to the temperature of the body or due to the accumulation of dirt on the sensors and sensors. As a result, changes and verification result.
Remember identification in appearance and face the owner? Funny thing, but actually provides a rather low level of security, because the face recognition technology is not yet so perfect. In the end have to solve a large error, and sometimes the device can not be unlocked to those who belong.
If you're a "Mythbusters" that could see how these guys are literally cheated fingerprint scanners by making a copy of the required fingerprint to unlock, and completely without the owner's knowledge.

However, whether or not now worry about what these technologies are not provided with the highest level of protection? After all, if you have a purposeful attack, and the goal is to steal any data, it is unlikely that the fingerprint scanner will save. Another thing is that Apple is going to be used as a kind of fingerprint identification in the banking industry for payments, where your printout will serve as a team for the bank to transfer money.
In general, at this point it turns out that the methods of determining the individual fingerprint that companies can offer today largely a toy. They give even more confidence and a lower level of security than the usual methods of identification on any physical key or, for example, NFC-map. However, the cost of production of devices with sensors for scanning markedly increased compared with conventional mobile gadgets.

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