Wednesday 26 June 2013

HTC One Mini is made ​​of plastic?

Today, among the flagships based on Android, things have HTC One go very well. Excellent specification, an impressive design - a desirable toy for many. That only two front speakers are, but metal case! True, this smartphone is still somewhat large in size for many, a little more than I would like.

In this regard, it is clear the company's decision to release a second version of the smartphone, reduced - HTC One Mini. However, as reported by various sources in the network, it will differ from the original HTC One not only in size, but still a number of parameters.

Since the mobile industry is working principle, the more (although so we depart from the principle of mobility) - the more expensive, the HTC decided reducing smartphone and reduce its cost. In the end, it was decided to abandon the infrared port. After all, in fact it's not an essential piece in the smartphone, right? Of course, marketers have told us is beautiful, why it is necessary for each, and even came up with some use cases, but that in fact, tell me honestly, will it use? Is that then just beginning to give way flagships of other vendors, because they have far infrared in-law.
In addition, it is reported that the decrease in the size and number udevshevlenie led to the fact that the HTC One Mini will screen at 1080p, only 720p. And, although, again, very few people need a 1080p, but the competition has given way to the figures. But the screen size is acceptable, time-tested - 4.3 inches.
It seems that cutting back and touch the CPU and RAM. Someone begin to worry, but on the other hand because it's not so bad. Smaller screen, lower resolution, and therefore the power of the device needs less to render all the information that the user sees.
But clearly saddened by the fact that the battery plan to put a smaller capacity - 1700 mAh. But the usual 2300 mAh at a slightly lower power can give a good result for the battery life. But I want to believe that HTC still understand what they do.
What else is just frustrating when trying to minimize the cost of HTC, they say, are planning to abandon the aluminum case in favor of plastic. No, the HTC usually plastic quality, pleasant to the touch and fine-looking. But part of its charm HTC One in the plastic is clearly losing. After a slippery plastic, longer retains fingerprints and a touch makes the device mennee welcome.

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