Wednesday 3 July 2013

HP promises a unique new smart phone in the future

HP and smartphones, well, me, what you name? Anything to make a company out of the race on a mobile device? And here and there - leaders maintain HP. Yam Su Yin told Indian Express, that HP still azadst all the heat, and the company is going to surprise just smartphones. HP has been working on some new mobile device.

So far, the main course of the company is aimed at tablets, PCs, and candy bars, but in HP's plan to abandon smartphones directions as it may seem. Yam Su Yin said that is not yet mention any time frame and tell the details about the device, which invented at HP, but said that it would be foolish to give up the company of such a promising and profitable segment of the market.

According to him it is too late to introduce a new product. At the moment, is not all invented and implemented, and HP have an idea what to offer to consumers. And it is very likely that it will be something new, and not just another smartphone on Android or Windows Phone. This will be a new device that will dramatically highlight the HP among other vendors active now. HP does not confuse that to break into the mobile sector is really simple, but make money there is in fact not so simple exercise, because the market is already glutted.
Some have suggested that HP plans to release a business-oriented device to try to take that piece of the market, which once belonged firmly Blackberry. It is assumed that the company will produce all of their own including many spare parts for mobile phones . It is possible that we are also waiting for some new OS.

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