Wednesday 3 July 2013

Sony XTRUD concept of a smartphone with the ability to upgrade iron

Probably many are tired of what seems to be recently purchased a new smartphone, and it would seem that here it is - a top device like after a month or a couple, the vendor advertises fresh new gadget that is superior to your vnovpriobretenny. And you're not number one, got a piece of iron is more powerful and nimble. And already his hands reach for the wallet to count the number of available pieces of paper and figure out where you can buy a new toy.

Internet community and fans of Android, this situation is clearly not for everyone. That is why the network has a concept of a smartphone Sony XTRUD, which will help to minimize the cost of the update gadgets. How so? The answer under the cut.

Sony XTRUD - a concept from French designer Rybarczyk Francois. Mr. proposed the concept of a smartphone, which is the cost will not be higher than $ 199 will update and iron fillings ustrostva much the same as it is now possible to do with a desktop PC.
Not enough battery capacity - just swap your battery for a new one, do not like the camera - take a fresh module. Scratched the body - not a problem, buy a new product to replace it at home yourself.

If such an idea take root in the mobile world, it's hard to change the situation on the market of portable gadgets. However, I think the chances are that vendors will pick up this idea and want to implement it in real life, very little. After all, this is a major impact on the volume of sales of new smartphones, the company's profits will decrease considerably. The price of components individually much lower than the total cost of the final assembled product that is offered to us now.

Another interesting concept was the idea of ​​adjusting the volume. It is not usual for us or any volume rocker buttons and scroll wheel, knob, which you just need to rotate by adjusting the volume level. It is thus possible to achieve finer adjustment.

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