Sunday 25 August 2013

The new Nexus 7 Wi-fi may be purchased at the Google Play Store

A few days ago we learned that Google had decided to change the Nexus 7 and launch might be considered as a second generation tablet with 7 "that went on sale so successfully last year 2012. A device that, despite some minor flaws, was one of the best valued because of its value.

And we must not forget that Google, Asus's hand, placed in our power a tablet with Tegra 3 processor at a price of just € 199, which made ​​him the best in its class and went to get ahead, and plantarle face, the project back then that Apple iPad Mini would end by selling in October.
The fact is that e l new Nexus 7 goes on sale in the U.S. on 30 July and it is possible to buy it in the U.S. Google Play Store. Obviously, if we get one we can not do it from Spain, a place which will arrive on September 3, so if you want to be among the first to have one you will have to turn to someone living on the other side of the pond.
Besides improving the hardware, which Google has done is to raise the price substantially lower model their new tablet and applied the famous exchange $ 1 = 1 € so little grace that we do when we see it. Thus, the $ 229 Wi-Fi model 16GB will become the September 3 in Spain in € 229 and so does the $ 269 32GB model.
New Nexus 7 (2013) on sale on July 30 in U.S.
The new Nexus 7 will be released in Wi-fi version on July 30 (the 4G model will have to wait 'a few weeks', ie a few weeks) enhances your screen with a panel becomes 1920 × 1200 pixel resolution, rear camera adds the famous miss both the first version of the tablet with a resolution of 5 MP and 1.2 leaves the front and here's the important (at least for the performance) 2 GB of RAM, a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro 1.5 GHz and Adreno 320 GPA 400 MHz that will be responsible for the installation effectively move Android 4.3 to be released in Nexus models.

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