Friday 23 August 2013

The new Nokia Lumia 1020 ad mocks Apple and Samsung

Nokia has done it again. Once again it has again made use of commercials to show that your device better than the competition through the mockery of users competing devices. In this case, the new ad presented corresponds to the new Nokia Lumia 1020 , which focus on the camera and are also users with different devices from Apple and Samsung.

In Spain there are not used as direct attack to the competition and is not allowed to implement these practices, however, in other countries this is perfectly legal, so companies that to be enforced advantage over its main competitors .
In this time they have decided to create an ad very similar to the Nokia Lumia 920 , in which a wedding family fought to make the best picture with your device even to hands while taking photographs banquet waiters quietly with his Nokia Lumia 920.
"Do not fight, change" again the slogan chosen by Nokia
To spot the Nokia Lumia 1020 have opted for a play of children. In it we see as in the moment when the curtain opens everybody does their devices and start making pictures: iPhones, iPads, Galaxys .... While the children sing starts the altercation, once again, on account of wanting to do the best photo and prove that your device is the best. Amid all the hubbub of people find a pair with a Nokia Lumia 1020 each end of the room to sit and satisfied with the great photography that have taken not quite understanding why they fight so much.
Thus, Nokia wants to highlight the great chamber PureView that counts the Nokia Lumia 1020, which is 41 megapixels, Carl Zeiss optics, optical image stabilizer and flash, features that allow us to take the best pictures even in the worst light conditions.
At the end of the announcement Nokia tells us that what we do is not fight, but to change, as happened in the announcement of the Nokia Lumia 920. A part of the attack so direct that makes Apple and Samsung in the ad, it must be acknowledged that Nokia has managed to reflect this competition among companies with grace and humor, resulting in a rather flamboyant and hilarious spot that will not go unnoticed.

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