Wednesday 25 September 2013

Amazon introduces the Kindle Fire HDX 7 and 8.9 inches direct rival of the new Nexus 7

This morning we woke up with a story that we did not expect to find: Amazon has surprised us with the introduction of two new tablets that renew the line of the Kindle Fire. Kindle Fire is the Kindle Fire HDX HDX 7 and 8.9, two tablets that have the characteristics most advanced techniques at competitive prices, so if you're thinking about buying a tablet should not overlook this option.

Both models feature large tablets technical specifications such as Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 800, which along with a full HD model in the case of 7-inch Quad HD on the 8.9-inch model, among other features, make of these two models quite interesting. And best of all is the price, as the basic model costs 229 euros.

Kindle Fire HDX 7 direct rival of the new Nexus 7

The new Kindle Fire by Amazon HDX July presented a few hours ago has incredible technical features and competitive price together with longer leave the new Google Nexus 7 practically offside. The HDX 7 Kindle Fire has a 7-inch screen with Full HD quality and a resolution of 1,920 x 1,200 pixels, Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 800 to 2.2 GHz and 2GB RAM. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that this tablet does not bring back camera, which does have the Nexus 7 in its new version of 2013, but its front camera has 720p HD resolution.
In regards to the battery, it has a range of around 11 hours with normal use, and can reach 17 hours if you use the tablet just to read eBooks. The price certainly ends to convert to Kindle Fire HDX 7 in a superb option, as the basic model with connection costs 229 euros, while the version with LTE support will cost 329 euros.
As we can see, Amazon comes stomping and very determined, and is offering a device with a very powerful processor at the same price as the new Google Nexus 7, the processor is far behind the Snapdragon 800.

HDX 8.9 Kindle Fire, a great rival to the Apple iPad

Meanwhile, the 8.9-inch model could be seen as a device that can compete very directly with the Apple iPad. Its technical characteristics are practically the same as the 7-inch brother, but with the odd difference. Among them, the resolution of the 8.9-inch screen, which is Quad HD 2,560 x 1,600 pixels.
Another difference we find is that this model if it has rear camera, 8-megapixel specifically. The price of the Kindle Fire 8.9 HDX is something greater than its little brother, but still quite low. Thus, we have a price of 379 euros for the basic model and 479 euros the model with LTE support.

Availability of new tablets from Amazon

The Kindle Fire HDX both Wifi version as LTE and presales can be bought in the United States, but not until the 15th of October, when you begin distribution of Wifi version and 14 November for the LTE version.
With respect to our country, still no news about their release dates, but we are aware of it to offer information as we have it.

Fire OS, the new operating system from Amazon

This time, Amazon has decided to release operating system, which is called Fire OS. Previously, we had used the company to offer a heavily modified version of the Android OS in their tablets but it is time we were surprised with a new system.
The company has not given many details about the new system Fire OS, and still do not know if it remains a heavily modified Android system or is a completely new system. However, it seems that maintains patterns of previous interface, so we have to see further.

What happens now with the Kindle Fire HD?

Finally, we must say that Amazon will improve the Kindle Fire HD with a new processor that works at a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz, but just leave the rest of performance and features that account. Yes, the price of the tablet will be reduced to 139 euros, a figure of the most succulent.

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