Saturday 7 September 2013

Apple working on a 17W charger will it be for a new product?

A new rumor is added to the stream for the past few days about Apple and notes that the Cupertino company is working on a 17W charger, significantly more powerful than those currently have the iPad, and could indicate the onset of a new tablet larger notebook or a new product.

In the tide of rumors in recent days, intensified by the proximity of September 10 and expected Apple keynote, strained one that seems insignificant but it could presage the "one more thing" in the coming months. This is the information given AppleInsider that Apple is working on about a new charger for your portable devices, namely, 17W. And this is remarkable because none of you have in the market now has this feature.
Reviewing the different chargers Apple, the iPhone is 5W, the Apple TV has one of 6W, the iPad uses one 12W and product and as AirPort Extreme (25W), MacBook Air (45W), MacBookPro ( 60W and 85W) and Mac Mini (85W) widely outgrow.

Why Apple can prepare a new charger for more power? The options

Two options arise from both sides of Apple fans forever. They are optimists, who see this new charger a sign of new products. Specifically talking about a larger iPad, up to 13 inches, the product of which was discussed this summer.
More skeptical side, and perhaps most successful in our opinion, is but a charger optimized for the new iPad, with larger capacity battery, achieve more and faster loading.
In all honesty, there is a third option. And it also says that as Apple prepares for a surprise on 11 September, as was the new Mac Pro in June. And according to all the rumors would be a TV-related product, as indicated by MC Siegel, TechCrunch columnist in the most famous Podcast Apple insider John Gruber. The current Apple TV continues to be rather limited in its possibilities and perhaps we are witnessing the arrival of a set-top box much more complete, it would be something like the heart of the much-rumored iTV, but no display.
Will have to wait until next Tuesday to see if the new iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2 premiere this charger or, what is more interesting for any fan of Apple, the Cupertino have a new release in the hole.

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