Friday 13 September 2013

Integral Vodafone low to 31.25 euros

One of the advantages of converged or integrated offers is that it allows the user to have in a single invoice all services together: fixed, mobile and ADSL. Today we find various offers by operators such as Orange, Movistar, Ono, Jazztel and Vodafone among others, which I appreciate, because it not only allows us to have more choice, but competition makes operators try to offer the best choice for customers, where we are the main beneficiaries.

As everyone already knows, Vodafone also has a convergent offer which includes fixed telephony, ADSL and mobile all in one bill, an offer that allows the user to save a few euros at the end of the month. Now the operator has limited offer by which if we hire Vodafone Comprehensive online way, the first six months only pay 31.25 euros per month, which price includes the fee online. Want to know everything offered Vodafone Integral?

Vodafone Integral: Fixed, mobile and ADSL in one bill

Regarding the phone, Vodafone line Integral Fixed includes for free, with which you can enjoy 3000 minutes per month free calls to landlines in addition to 350 minutes per month to call mobile phones, and the weekend any operator.
Moreover, the high of ADSL will be free for all who come to portability. Integral Vodafone ADSL includes Turbo with up to 35 megs and also includes online share in the invoice price.
Finally, the last component of the integrated offering is the mobile phone. In this aspect the Integral Vodafone mobile online account Rate Base 2 with 100 minutes of calls to all 1,000 free text messages and 1GB of data to surf at maximum speed. But that's not all, since when hiring Integral Vodafone now, the company gives you a Vodafone Smart Mini.
As mentioned above, Integral Vodafone currently has a cost of 31.35 euros per month for the first six months if hired through the website . Later, once after that time, the price is 35 euros per month, the usual price for this service.

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