Friday 13 September 2013

Sandy Hurricane annihilates the event of Google Nexus 4

Everything was finally ready to meet Google's new phone, the LG Nexus 4 but will have to wait a little longer because the Android development company has decided to cancel the corresponding event was to be held in New York on 29 October. The reason is none other than the arrival of Hurricane Sandy.

Therefore, both the new device and version 4.2 of the mobile operating system will not be known yet. And it is not surprising that this decision has been taken, and we talked about a weather phenomenon that, so far, has cost 40 lives in different locations where he has spent. And, as has been confirmed that New York would be affected, it was wiser to cancel the event so as not to endanger any of the attendees.

No news of the change of date

The notice you have received the guests in announcing the cancellation of the event the reason offered by Google is the arrival of Hurricane communicated Sandy and future plans regarding the event as soon as I have more information. This means that there is still no clear anything stop the possible new event date (as usual, the company will want to have more information on how it evolves over time by New York).

No doubt, it is best to decide what will be done once the danger has passed, since many of the guests were scheduled to arrive and leave town the same day that it was scheduled to hold the presentation. Therefore, LG Nexus 4 will have to wait a little longer to become an officer. In addition, we need to see how to manage sales and reservations in stores both physical and online, as everything was prepared for strong 29 the day of his "coming-out".
We'll see how Google reacts, because in the morning event, apart from the terminal, it was expected that was unveiled version 4.2 of Android, two new versions of Nexus 7 (one with 32GB and one with 3G connectivity) and lately , it had been rumored that the tablet Google Nexus 10 made ​​by the party would also. Now, there is no other choice but to wait.

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