Friday 13 September 2013

Sony is preparing a 20 megapixel camera with lens as an accessory for your Xperia

Manufacturers like Nokia are striving to include in their models better quality camera, but the search for photographic features directly affects the final size of the terminal. Sony, however, could have devised a camera with optical zoom behave as an accessory and that connect to your smartphone using NFC wireless connections and WiFi.

The camera of smartphones has become one of the most valuable components of such electronic devices. So much so that manufacturers strive to incorporate the latest technology in this field to improve the results. However, the main drawback is the size. It is impossible to adapt a camera with large sensor (a necessary condition for it to capture more light and thus improve the quality of the photo) in a terminal where you find miniaturize every component to optimize space.
So far, the models have best balance this set of requirements on a smartphone terminals have been Nokia PureView technology, namely the Nokia Lumia 925, Nokia 808 and especially the Nokia Lumia 1020 . However, Sony may have found a solution with a radically different and more prominent photographic results. As proposed in the portal sonyalpharumors , the Japanese firm is devising a new concept camera that "merge" to smartphones via wireless and mechanical support.
Not really would be a fitting to use because the camera would be independent. The set include 20 megapixel sensor ( RX100II ) optical group with Carl Zeiss Tessar lens, battery and memory. Thus, the camera may be used without connecting to your smartphone. Instead, once attached to the smartphone, could act as a single device to be synchronized and NFC and WiFi. The first would allow smartphone camera synchronization and second transmit images from the camera's internal memory to your smartphone.
For now it is a rumor, but the page that disseminates information is based on contrasting sources and categorizes the news as a very probable information.

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