Wednesday 18 September 2013

The bandwidth management of Google Chrome comes to iOS

Possibly one of the best features of Google Chrome that have come in recent times is this. We are talking about bandwidth management, as Google itself is called, and is a feature that compresses data to achieve savings in their consumption, and improve browsing speed in Google Chrome. Has finally come to iOS, the mobile operating system Apple today updated its seventh version.

IOS users are in luck today, and is finally going to be able to update their devices to iOS 7. Not only is this good news for Apple users, but also may begin to notice the considerable savings in data consumption is achieved thanks to the "bandwidth management" of Google Chrome, which today comes to Google's browser in the version for Apple's mobile operating system.

Enable bandwidth management in Google Chrome for iOS

To enable bandwidth management for Google Chrome version for iOS, the first thing you have to have happened is that we have featured the image that I have provided above as screenshot. Once this has happened, if we face such a screen, we'll just click on "Enable" (enable, enable). However, if as we showed this screen and we did the above, we access the settings of Google Chrome and the "Advanced" search "Bandwidth Management" to, once here, activate it.

This graph will show the data that would have spent if we had enabled contrasted with data thanks to activate bandwidth management for Google Chrome, we have actually consumed. This tool usually saves an average of between 25% - 35% of the data while browsing the Internet through Google Chrome browser. However, you may be saving your recordings higher values ​​or, in your case, the percentage value is less data saving. It all depends on the websites on which we sail, but it is worth entering the option, since it also greatly improves the speed of loading web pages. Source: TechCrunch

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