Wednesday 25 September 2013

The iPhone 6, protagonist of a new conceptual image

When not even Apple had introduced the iPhone 5S Network compiled and rumors about the iPhone 6 as a course that will incorporate a larger screen. Now, some designers are more interested in the future of the firm have taken this as a reference for creating conceptual images that show the user, through the author's imagination, what might be the next phone from Cupertino. The iPhone 5S has presented major developments as far as design is concerned. Perhaps the section that has changed has been the colors available for housing. The design, however, has remained unchanged. Unybody aluminum casing remains intact. However, the next generation of the terminal could vary significantly. And the Californian firm must innovate in this area and that since the launch of the iPhone 4 there have been no significant changes except the replacement of housing materials and small tweaks.

The trends end up influencing a company that no longer directed Jobs

That trend could change with the arrival of a hypothetical iPhone 6 , if denominating finally ends well. First because after several generations using substantially the same basis, the firm should change its design to innovate and surprise your customers and fans. Second, it is believed that the following model screen size will increase considerably to meet the current market requirements, which would impact fully in the image of this model.

Slim and stylish with the screen as the protagonist

So interpreted by the author of this render, because the design which appears an imaginary iPhone 6 lines based on a large display. Recall that according to the latest rumors spread even by AllThingsD, Apple is currently testing iPhone prototypes with 4.8-inch screens . In addition to a front panel dominated by a considerably bigger current image Apple equipment conceptualized shows how reducing the signature of the screen frame. Finally, we also capture shows a very thin profile consistent with previous render that have appeared earlier . Although the end result of course very likely iPhone 6 will vary compared to that seen in the picture, what you seem to apple firm would guide the development and design of the next iPhone closely the model shown in this concept?

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