Monday 30 September 2013

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Gold Edition was presented before the iPhone 5S gold

The presentation of the iPhone 5S gold had a few days the response from Samsung. The Korean automaker came to the knowledge of the press the existence of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Gold Edition. Given the overwhelming success of the iPhone 5S gold the day of its commercial release, this announcement was seen by many as a "clone" of Apple's strategy. However, it seems that Samsung has strong grounds to defend.

Recent events at least the most significant, have favored the confusion. We refer to the introduction of the iPhone 5S, and more specifically the gold version. And the Sept. 10 Apple showed the world, next to the iPhone 5C , an iPhone with gold colored casing. A few days after Samsung did the same, but with a version of the Samsung Galaxy S4 with part of his gold colored casing which he called Gold Edition Samsung Galaxy S4.

What appears and is not

Chronologically thus events speak for themselves. Samsung, to the great success of the iPhone 5S gold, have decided to carry out the same strategy as Apple. Simplified, Samsung would copy the idea from Apple. However, these allegations have been reacted to the Asian multinational , that chest out in an article published in Samsung Tomorrowand in the actual c Facebook CCOUNT Division Samsung Mobile Arabia .

A previous presentation: gold models since 2004

Under all odds, it turns out that division of the company has shown that officially launched the Samsung Galaxy S4 Gold Edition on 27 August, exclusive version which was launched commercially in Saudi Arabia on 8 September.Coincidentally, Apple presented the iPhone 5S gold two days later. The low initial impact of the announcement of Samsung and the strong influence of the Apple event last September 10 enhanced the confusion. However, it seems clear that the South Koreans would not have copied the color of the new iPhone, but rather the opposite. Also, the manufacturer added fuel to the fire by stating that this was not the first time that a phone marketed gold color, mentioning models Samsung SCH-E470 Phone Athens Olympic version (2004) or the Samsung U600 Ultra Series, in 2007. More recently also made public the Samsung Galaxy Golden.

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