Wednesday 4 September 2013

Vodafone announces the expansion of its 4G network to eight other cities

The Telecommunications XXVII Meeting of Santander is once again the event that operators unveil their plans in the medium and long term. For Vodafone, the operator has announced it will begin the second phase of deployment of its 4G network in Spain. And is that between the months of September and October will extend 4G coverage Vodafone eight other cities, bringing the total to 15.

As contained in its 4G deployment plan, Vodafone will this month another step to consolidate in Spain the ultrafast broadband connections. At seven initial cities were provided in May of appropriate technology to offer speeds up to 150 Mbps joined eight other: Santander, La Coruna, Zaragoza, Cordoba, Vigo, Murcia, Gijón and Oviedo. Thus, Vodafone will partially completed its deployment to a total of 15 cities.

Deploy in two steps

This second phase in the expansion of 4G Vodafone advance in two installments. The first will start in September to cover cities like S antander, La Coruña and Zaragoza. The second part of this update of the data network will occur in October and include the town of Cordoba, Vigo, Murcia, Gijón and Oviedo. Initial plans are to extend 4G coverage to 58% of the population in December to improve the percentage to 70%.
Furthermore, the operator has announced that it is optimized and expanded LTE in the first seven cities that gave the go-to 4D. Thus, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, Madrid Malaga, Palma de Mallorca, Seville and Valencia already have a 85% outdoor coverage and 60% indoors.

4G for your clients, without costs

As can be found on its website, Vodafone will automatically offer its customers 4G without additional charges. Users only have to activate the service and to consider the requirements to take advantage of the new generation of data networks. Among them is one of the 22 available compatible devices that the operator offers through its online catalog. Thus, compliant devices be able to provide the owners browsing experience unprecedented because the 4G considerably reduces the latency of the connection and increases the discharge rate to 150 Mbps

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