Tuesday 22 October 2013

HTC working on a tablet and 2014 smartwatch

Clearly, if you can not beat them, made the same as him. This is a variation of the famous saying goes, but in this case, the mobile technology market, it requires more to join the team, you have to do is develop the same products. Thus, HTC is preparing its new range of smart watches and a tablet that can compete in the market.

In this way, after an interview with HTC CEO Peter Chou has been told that the company is working on the creation and development of two new products. This would be a tablet and smartwatch, ie smart watch, which could make its appearance in mid-2014. Certainly, the movement reflects a market rejoinder as far HTC had not paid special attention to any of these segments.
When only been a few days since HTC launched the One Max, a nearly 6-inch terminal, now could be working on new larger devices. Although not confirmed during the interview, did speak much of an improvement in innovation, and that is logically associated with being equally competitive in all market segments.

Also watches

Although the main news would be that, the work could be carried out HTC to develop a range of tablets really competitive for the market, and likely would be based on larger versions of its successful One, also news that may be working a smartwatch.
During the interview Chou mentioned that a few years ago worked with Microsoft on the development of a smartwatch, but that did not go ahead. But things have changed, and although the CEO of HTC sees that it is a market that is far from mature, you can lose the car and you have to work on it.
This is a rapidly changing scenario, so HTC can not afford to weigh poor financial results and getting good products, but in dribs and drabs. You need to be in tune with the other manufacturers. And that 2014 is the year chosen.

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