Saturday 12 October 2013

KitKat Android 4.4 include new localization options

New rumors suggest more changes in Android 4.4 KitKat. This new version of Android is not yet officially presented but leaked images have shown some aspects of the new OS. The final filtered image shows changes in the location of the device options but not only in design but also in terms of the configuration options. Andoid 4.4. KitKat arrive later this month in the hands of Nexus 5.

Android is one of the most used mobile operating systems worldwide. Many manufacturers have chosen it for its range of smartphones and tablets very soon and users can enjoy a new version called Android 4.4 KitKat. By the time the leaks of this new system have not brought big changes but hopefully you get the most out of the performance of current and future devices.
The latest news on new Android 4.4 brings new features to KitKat localization options of Android. On the one hand, as collected from Android Police , design changes add the tab just going to call location and the possibility to turn the page from the top right corner of the screen. Besides the check boxes of the location of origin disappear and be replaced by a new menu at the bottom location called Mode.
On the other hand, within the Location Mode menu you can choose between three options: high-precision location (GPS / WiFi / redmóvil), battery save option (WiFi networks and mobile network) and the only option device sensors (GPS ).
Furthermore also be included at the bottom of the screen recent location requests, an option allowing the user to control more quickly which applications have access to user location. These new options are a slight change in Android 4.4 but certainly KitKat, and finally confirmed upon submission of an official version, would make it easier user experience.

Other new features of Android 4.4 KitKat

The new localization options are added to other options and screenshots leaked in Android 4.4 KitKat. Along with the location, the rumors suggest that this new version of Android will also include a new camera interface with previews, filters, frames, and that saves images as PDF or print.
Also revealed new payment options for users to have wireless payment via NFC applications and Drive and Keep Google Android 4.4 KitKat would directly preinstalled.
Rumor Android 4.4 Nexus KitKat and 5, the first terminal would incorporate this version of Android, will be presented onOctober 15 and hit the market later this month.

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