Wednesday 9 October 2013

Nokia Lumia 925 possible luxury model name of the firm

On Tuesday May 14 Nokia is expected to officially present its new Lumia smartphone range. Still not sure what name will the device, although from a Chinese blog dedicated to Windows Phone say could be called Nokia Lumia 925. While we are already quite familiar with the Lumia 920 presented at the end of last year and look forward to news of the Lumia 928, so far no one had mentioned the name Lumia 925 as Nokia's smartphone future.

Some say that the Lumia 925 will not be but a GSM version of the Lumia 928, although it remains to be seen. If all goes as expected and the rumors are true, the alleged Lumia 925 would be rather an update of the current Lumia 920 with several changes. The new device would be made ​​of aluminum and thinner and lighter than its predecessor, and tell a new xenon flash to replace the current dual-LED flash.

The Lumia 925 is not the only terminal that Nokia plans to present

Note that if true experiencing this new smartphone in the presentation scheduled for May 14 would only last about 6 months from the release of the Lumia 920, which is a very important step considering both the state of the Lumia 920 in the market as its high price.
If you think about it carefully, the launch of the Lumia 925 on Tuesday May 14 would not be a far fetched idea at all, indeed, it would make sense because even though they talked about the Lumia 928, this would be relevant only for certain part of the U.S. market. At present, note that Nokia has several exclusive versions sold only in the United States and the Lumia 928 model for Verizon could be released on May 22, just days after the Lumia 925.
Finally, we can only say that the Lumia 925 is just one of the possible motives that Nokia may occur during these days, andwe are also waiting to hear from Nokia EOS, which you have heard several rumors and a Nokia tablet Windows 8,which is unlikely.

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