Saturday 12 October 2013

The iOS update 7 causes WiFi issues on iPhone 4S

All manufacturers need from time to time perform various updates on their handsets, and although it may seem a simple act in itself carries risks of, first not like users and customers, and second, that after developing it, have worked hard on it, and bring it to market, give some problems, as in this case has happened with the latest update to Apple's iOS.

Many users take a few days on various forums complaining because supposedly Apple iOS in July would have caused a number of problems with the WiFi connection of its terminals, and the Bluetooth controller, especially, and mostly in theiPhone 4S. What would be causing a stir among a community of users that is usually extremely sensitive to any changes, especially to failures.
With respect to other Apple devices, everything is a bit less clear, since it also had received some complaints about, for example, iPhone 5, iPad 2/3 and iPad Mini. At first it seems that the problems of these devices would be very isolated. The bulkier failure, according to all reviews that are having would be about said iPhone 4S.


The ruling would be offering the iOS 7 have to do with the WiFi settings, and it becomes unavailable, or becomes "grayed out".Some users try to solve the problem by putting the device in cold, or even in the freezer for a few minutes assure that everything returns to normal, but after that period of time, the iPhone 4S, most Cuasante of these problems, again offer the same mistakes. Thus there is a general consensus among users more informed about the problems arising from faults come heating.
The iPhone 4S uses BCM4329 WiFi connection, according to a teardown at iFixit, probably the same chip used in the iPhone 4. In this sense, the BCM4329 is a very popular choice for mobile applications, and by some estimates, the chip is in over 50 million devices, data for 2010.


Users who have tried to contact Apple, or some of its official suppliers to address the problem of connecting the iPhone 4S, have met with a wall, although there are conflicting reports.
Some customers say they offered a replacement terminal immediately, even without any collateral effect, and conversely, some customers confirm that when talking to Apple or its suppliers have been told that the problem is already known and working on it.

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