Tuesday 1 October 2013

The iPhone 5S Touch ID collects fingerprints to the FBI, according to Anonymous

Anonymous back out on stage to inform us that, as they themselves say, the U.S. government would be building a hugehelping biometric database of fingerprints with biometric sensor collected the new iPhone 5S. Again the Touch ID is also put into question, since this time we say that could be the support to violate the privacy of millions of users.

In the video below we leave, Anonymous is responsible to explain and try to prove all this. They indicate that the Defense Department documents and contractor ManTech FBI, serve to demonstrate that the U.S. has built a detailed biometric database. Information this database, as Anonymous, serve to be used both nationally and in "battlefield".

The iPhone 5S Touch ID, do you collect fingerprints for the FBI?

The question being put on the table by Anonymous, offering information that we simply take care to provide our readers, who also have their own opinion. The company AuthenTec, which is responsible for the technology used in the fingerprint identifier (Touch ID) that Apple uses, have strong links to the most corrupt contractors of the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, say the Anonymous.
Adding to this, that according to this source AuthenTec company would have seen that only Apple could acquire the company, since they would have rejected, by the way, other offers made by different manufacturers. All this information will undoubtedly reveals a potential "dark side" that the Touch ID and its "environment" have been hiding. However, it is information that is offered directly by Anonymous, and therefore we do not take everything as an absolute truth, but simply retransmit.

Apple would have to rule otherwise ...

Leaving what is the story itself, and as a mere subjective point, Apple should decide soon. In case of confirmation of this information, and although it does not, the consumer will like to know the place Apple in this whole affair. Would the Cupertino company involved in these "tricks"? If so, how can Apple get out of here and get consumer confidence?
We are dealing with very important information, since that is allegedly violating the privacy of millions of users who unlock your handset with this sensor Touch ID that Apple has added to its new iPhone 5S. If it appears the "involvement" of Apple in all this, it is likely that users of the iPhone 5S feel dissatisfied with the product in which they have spent a lot of money and that will be stealing some of your privacy.
What do you think about all this? What if it's true what Anonymous tells us? Source: 9to50mac

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