Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Google testing proxy with HTTP compression for mobile Chrome

Unfortunately, despite the hype around the development of LTE and other technologies are still not many have the smart mobile Internet. And the quality of communication in principle could be better. I think that even in the large cities, many faced with the fact that when the light is on 3G or HSPA, the rate sometimes exclusively turtle. And if instead of the icons specified edge or gprs, it is almost a sure sign that the Internet is simply not. The situation with the mobile Internet is not the most pleasant, not only in Russia but also in the U.S..

Because Google decided to try to solve the problem. Search engine is about to launch its own proxy, which will come to the rescue of all the suffering in unstable or slow network. It is planned that the traffic passing through a proxy, will be pre-processed on the server Google, uzhimayas. Technology is scheduled akin to that used in the Opera (Opera Turbo) or in Amazon Silk Browser.

The information comes from François Beaufort, which is slightly above the first to announce a Chromebook Pixel. François Beaufort found a new feature in Chromiuim, which is described by Google as the ability to reduce the amount of traffic by optimizing the content database servers Google. The idea is that a video or graphics will optmizirovatsya and recoded at Google in a more compact size and with little loss of quality, but for faster downloads on mobile devices users. So that if necessary, the use of these technologies will gain from downloading data at times.
Of course, Chromium - an open source branch of Chrome, and therefore not exactly sure what this is made in the release version will Chrome. But when such opportunities become available, they may become the next killer fichey Chrome for Android to other browsers and operating systems.

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