Monday 30 September 2013

One day of autonomy with 10 minutes of charging, the proposed Fujitsu

With a battery of only 2600 mAh, the new Fujitsu smartphone is able to offer a full day of autonomy when they had loaded for ten minutes. Android operating system and components that could well put it in the high end, and still is able to stay away from the network for longer and with less load time. Is this the future? And, if so, how long before you reach the future to other smartphones?

Despite the significant progress each year know and they are always featuring new high-end terminals, despite having already Octacore processor, 3GB RAM and HD resolution screens, the battery is one of those components you are stuck. The fundamental problem is that, as the remaining components "grow" consumption does likewise, especially when it does the screen. On the contrary, are not capable, current terminals, to provide a truly autonomous "good".
Either way, you have to analyze this new information for two very different paths. On one hand, we find a smartphone that just needs to be "plugged in" for ten minutes to fully charge, and on the other hand, the same smartphone is able to operate for a full day.

Your smartphone battery hundred percent in just ten minutes

Many readers will share with my smartphone recharging at night, something very "typical", and occasionally mid-morning or any other time of day, when needed and I can access a plug. From generalized technology Fujitsu smartphone, speak of smartphones that recharge your battery at all, ie from 0% to 100% in just ten minutes. Technology ultra-fast charging is probably one of those evolutionary leaps that we could see in this same generation, as the advent of flexible displays.
Devices which might be expected to include this technology, we highlight the Samsung Galaxy S5. Given that during the month of October Samsung release a flexible screen smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S5 will have to offer something "new". What's better than the ability to upload your smartphone in just ten minutes? Source: Engadget

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