Monday 8 April 2013

Samsung and Mozilla are preparing a new mobile browser

Branden Eich - Mozilla's chief said the company together with Samsung is preparing to revolutionize the mobile web surfing. The two companies are now working closely on the development of a new mobile browser, which has already received the name of the Servo.

What's interesting - This news coincides with the news that Google Chrome decided to abandon the use of traditional WebKit engine, and began to work on the - Blink.

In the past few years, the power and performance of mobile devices has grown. All thanks to a new technologically advanced processors. These chips are so productive that companies like Mozilla thinking about how to develop a special mobile browser that can take advantage of the full potential that provides modern hardware. That's why Mozilla decided to cooperate with Samsung, developing a new mobile browser, optimized for use with ARM-based processor and operating system Android, which will be able to work as well with multi-core chips.
The browser, which now employs over two giants will work on the engine, which is based on its own programming language Mozilla - Rust. Servo is now at a very early stage of development, and is currently engaged in another Mozilla dopilivaniem and optimization of the Rust. And because even the date of the next new product releases are not known. Although already very interested in what happens in this unusual alliance. Indeed mobile browsing will suffer a sea change?

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