Friday 5 April 2013

The new Samsung Galaxy S - «no surprises»

Very interesting winter 2013 stood out in terms of gadget novelties. There's the delight of the HTC One and Sony Xperia Z, and puzzled by the presentation of a new generation of PlayStation, and hope for the new mobile operating system - Ubuntu Mobile and Firefox OS.

But where do you start spring? With teasers that Samsung has started producing on his channel on YouTube. Of course, everyone knew that after all is stored in a secret box at the little boy. But I personally did not want to panic, to numerous leaks that appeared well before March 14, materialized. And then JK Shin pulls out of the box two smartphones ... Just remembered song by Radiohead. Indeed, without surprises.

And it's not that I want to be surprised by a new design from any smartphone or meganavorotov. No. I'm just hoping that the race is over inches. But no. 4.0, 4.27, 4.8 ... You've probably realized that this diagonal screen first, second and third "of galaxies." Logically, the next only 5. "But wait, 5 inches - is the prerogative of the ruler Galaxy Note. Smartshety, ceiling - call it what you want. Nor Samsung has become a pioneer among 5-inch devices. In 2010, Dell released the Streak 5 - the device which was initially positioned as something intermediate between a smartphone and a tablet. And then a 5-inch smartphone.'m afraid that soon cease to distinguish from the Galaxy S Note.
Design. Many people write and say, they say the design is not much different from the "troika". And they're right. On the front side - one to one. In profile, of course, there is a difference (and it's not just the thickness, reduced by as much as 0.7 mm), but I used to watch the phone "in the eye." Incidentally, it is interesting to see how the proposed metal edging on the new device and if Samsung does not hit the dirt face like Apple. But as polycarbonate - vehemently plus. Certainly better than painted plastic. Although it was much nicer if two notorious designer from Samsung decided to clothe the 4th Galaxy S in a metal case. Surely the weight was more important (apparatus, judging by the performance, easy new flagship of Sony and HTC).
Functionality. Here, Samsung does not hit. Processor or 4-core 1.9 GHz Qualcomm, either private 8-core 1.6 GHz development. And if the first one does not strike - well, 4 cores are now standard for the champions, the second is puzzling - why 8-core smartphone? If you are reading this article with your PC or laptop, for sure it is not more than 4 cores? If not, write in the comments))) 
Memory - 2 GB, constant - 16, 32, 64 GB, support for microSD, USB-Host. Again, no surprises.
Camera. 13 Mn (as well as in Xperia Z and Huawei Ascend D2). But Samsung did not focus on the "hardware" innovations camera, and software. Dual Camera - simultaneously shooting at front and back cameras, Drama Shot - simultaneous shooting photos and video, Sound and Shot - record sound when shooting still images. Function, of course, interesting, but in real life malovostrebovanny. Yes, and for the introduction of these "chips" does not necessarily produce a new smartphone - just released an app in Google Play or updating software, these functions have become systemic.
On the screen, I will mention at the end just because it is not much different from its competitors: 5 inches, FullHD, SuperAMOLED HD. Will only have to compare the image quality with the same HD Reality Display in Xperia Z (and in fact there is also the much-vaunted technology firm Mobile Bravia Engine 2).
Is a non-trivial issue of survivability of a smartphone on a single charge. Samsung, of course, udelala guys from HTC and Sony, equipping 4th "galaxy" battery 2600 mAh. However, often, the vitality of the smartphone is determined not by battery life, as the optimization of energy consumption. Then again, compare with S IV Sony Xperia Z. Which is better: 270 mAh mode or Stamina? Show only "field" test.
Eventually, price. I'm from Ukraine and bring their local prices in Russian rubles. So, HTC One soon will be available for Rs 6,400 (24,600 rubles). Sony Xperia Z can be bought for Rs 7250 (27 900 rubles). Samsung has not yet officially announced the price of the Galaxy S IV, but are already talking about 7000 USD (26,900 rubles). What to choose? Personally, I would choose the HTC. And it's not cheapness, and common sense (5-inch, 8 cores - why?). But I do not want to impose their views on the rest - the choice is yours.

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