Friday 5 April 2013

What is the root on Android?

Root-access system Android.
Root - access is called access to the Android system as an administrator. That is rooting-th call I change the operating system, which will lead to the provision of more opportunities in the management of a smartphone.


The very notion of root as the root came from the system Linux, base and core Android. Those who have a grasp of the work in this system, know that the root - built-in system administrator account, which has many additional features that are not available to other ordinary users.

To provide this level of access on your phone, just install it on a program called su (short for superuser, root). As superuser, you can get access to the system files, view the cache and do a lot of other things.
Why do we need this level of access?
Does it make sense to do this? The fact that developed many applications that install and run to require mandatory access with full rights. Their use can significantly extend the capabilities of any smart phone and do work with it much more interesting. It - applications such as Root Explorer, Task Manager For Root, Titanium Backup , ShootMe , Carbon Backup and others. In the description of the programs of this type indicates that it is necessary for the level of access root.
With full access to the system Android, you can perform many other functions, for example:
- To make changes to the operating system files, and shortcuts, themes;
- Remove the standard operating system programs;
- To execute any executable files to Linux;
- To create a full backup of the installed system with all the settings and applications, using additional software;
- Tether-run applications that enable the use of a particular smart phone as an access point (in the version of android 2.2, this capability is made standard).
Available firmware with full administrative rights can additionally allow users to install applications on the memory card to transfer cash to the card, change many system settings that are not accessible via the standard menu options, and other features.
We must bear in mind that the mere grant of rights will not add to the root of the smartphone capabilities, you should still install the necessary software, either on their own to make changes to system files.
What types of access root.
In the Android system has several types of administrative access root:
Temporary root - the temporary provision of administrative privileges to perform certain functions. After rebooting the system returns to the normal user rights.
Shell root - without a permanent administrator access to the system folder system.
Full root - permanent full unlimited access to the administrator.
Is it safe?
Of course, such a complete access to the operating system can be dangerous.
First of all, when installed on the smartphone software that provides access to the root-rights is a loss of warranty. This is due to the fact that this level of access can cause irreparable damage to the operating system if performed incorrectly or simply careless handling.
Return the phone to normal, unfortunately, not always possible. It depends on the particular phone model. For some, the return to the standard mode does not present any difficulties for others, it is of great complexity. So before you use rooting, it is worth clarifying the Internet capabilities in the future it all back.
Problems can occur with the installation of updates. The fact that the standard set update to the license and a modified version of the operating system. Therefore it is possible to return to normal smartphone, install updates, and then put it to root - right.
Thus, rooting can provide a wealth of additional features to owners of smartphones, but at the same time can be a source of additional risk and headache.
How to get a root-access on my smartphone?
At the moment there is the application to automatically get root-access for a variety of smartphones just a click and applications targeted at breaking a particular model. Among the best known are automated tools: Unlock Root , z4root , Root HTC Quick , Easy Rooting Toolkit , Gingerbreak , SuperOneClick , Visionary , Unrevoked . However, universal rutilki often limited by any number of models, which are suitable, and therefore is often manual and tool to rue it on your smartphone should search for self, for example, in the thematic sections of the forum XDA.

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