Monday 8 April 2013

These Android applications can be stored in Google Drive

For a long time many backup applications for Android, such as Titanium Backup or Carbon Backup realized that you can keep a backup of not only the memory card, but in the cloud, the benefit of free services for this abound. Now, it seems, to this logical step came in and the guys from Google deciding that application data can be backed up to Google Drive, in the event of failures or attempts to restore the system no longer is a loss of settings, game saves, and remove any other personal data.
And it was such a long time to "invent" or rather borrow as well the decision of his colleagues on the shop floor. The benefit of the system from Google, the cloud service from the same company, so you can adjust easily interact directly at the system level, accessible to all users Android.
Now Google is working on an API for developers to correct the application can interact with the service and, if necessary with each other. Users also will be able to store in Google Drive tune their applications. And even if the application is removed from a smartphone, a Google Drive information about it remain. Just in case, if the user decides that the application he would never come in handy, you can remove yourself from the cloud backup manually.

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