Friday 5 April 2013

We built and built and finally built Top 5 "protracted" among Android-apps

The virtual world is increasingly starting to resemble the real world, so the notion of "unfinished" has become for IT-universe quite common concept. What is Half Life 3 for PC or Real Racing 3 for iOS. Now - the top 5 of "protracted" of applications for Android, the completion of which caused a real sensation at the time and became "widely known in narrow circles of Twitter-".  

Fifth place: Asphalt 7 I honestly did not want to include in this list the game, as they too often fall into the Play Store later than in the AppStore. But it was a different situation.

 After the release of iOS-version in early summer Gameloft has announced the launch of Asphalt 7 for Android on June 25. Needless to say, not a 25, or even 26 numbers on the shelves Play Store nothing appeared. However, a few days before, on one of the Chinese sites appeared. APK file with the new game. He almost instantly sold on a variety of Android-sites.  

The result: the game came in the 27th of the Play Store, though not for all devices at once, but quickly rose to the top. Later it was reported that the forum "leaked" one of the Gold-versions, and found guilty and punished.  

Fourth place: Flipboard As it often happens, "love descends suddenly": the presentation of Samsung Galaxy S3 was announced out of the rss-aggregator with a new smartphone. The very next day to test the program on your phone could be anyone.
This early "acquaintance" on many devices led to the brakes and glitches, so the first wave of reviews contained more error messages than the question: "why is it necessary?" Incidentally, these tweets are relevant to the output of Flipboard in Play Store. The situation was very funny, everyone was trying to adapt the program in their own way, not quite understanding that this is only interesting news. The "best" version of how it was possible to use the new program was an attempt to adapt Flipboard, a Twitter-client. Thank you for not «Instagram Viewer». The main disadvantages of the program at the start - a complete inability to work in the background and the lack of opportunities to "share" content.  
The result: the program does not fall in the top 100 free apps, but more recently there was a normal tablet support.
Third Place: Instagram When Android came out on Instagram, then half of the racially-loyal users said that the social network is not the same, and lay out the photos for now - to liken himself rogue with "cheap plastic remnants."
Seriously though, some owners of iOS-gadgets have really started to resent, but the Android-user voice drowned out all the "apple noise": a discussion of the program, the exchange of nicknames, the first "bows" (means, often), repost in Twitter. And how many comparisons with different photo-editors, type messages «Pixl'r-matic can do far more than" across every fourth tweet. After the release of the developers have promised that "the functionality of Android-version will be more than the iOS-version", but in Play Store program came without the blur effect. Added it after and raised another wave of photos that have been smeared and half carried, often even less artistic sense than the representatives of the "first wave". All grievances users are unlikely to troubled developers, will soon be on the market all IT purchases are subject to change at Instagram'ah, which was bought for Facebook'om 1000000000.  

The result: one of the main disadvantages WP called the lack of Instagram, who settled in the Play Store somewhere around 44 seats.  

Second place: PowerAMP 2.0
When Online 4pda created the first 20 pages of discussion of the new player, it became clear that the product has a good future - it was relevant. Indeed, Android did not have a strong "combine", which could be functionally satisfy almost any user. The main difference from the other players, according to the developer, were samopisnye driver. As far as this is so - is unknown, but about a major upgrade to version 2.0, all told, at least the early spring of 2011. All this time period tolerated, the topic on the forum grew, fans at the program became more and expectation - of anxious. Finally, in November 2011 the world saw a huge list of changes not only in the framework of the forum, but also in the Play Store. Someone may not like the interface, but here's a set of functions close to the maximum.  

The result: PowerAMP off of the top 5 paid apps only during the discounts on some particularly tough application, the developer is now preparing v3.0.

First place: Carbon for Twitter The developer is known for its, shall we say, not reliable: the very first version of its application, he put more in webOS, the program has been paid. Soon, it was recalled, and the money is not returned.
After a short time, and now this same program is for HP TouchPad. But again disappear from the shelves of online stores over time. Needless to say that the story is no different WP?
About a year ago, the developer was going to build your lunopark with blackjack and animations and Android. Sometimes out some screenshots, then even a video appeared, but the timing has remained open.
For an application to appear in the Play Store, suddenly, it emerges from the UAE can not be spread paid programs. The developer says that the app will appear after a while, after 26 iyuyaya. And the silence.
  The program really emerged after the 26th. To be precise, on February 3, it is now available for download from the Play Store. Needless to say, the enthusiasm with which all began to learn a new Twitter-client for Android, then this expected? Droplet from the wave of information has not been fully dried out, from time to time there are discussions of a new program, but now we can safely say that the application is not taken off.
Futuristic interface is not for everyone is a plus, and beautiful animation offset by the lack of options. It is not clear that the developer was preparing for a year, the situation is clearly different from Instagram'a without Tilt Shift. Oh well.
The result:Carbon settles among the same "perspective» Twitter-client, rather, is an ass. Well, the program is free, at least not hurt to be a developer decide to change another platform.

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