Friday 5 April 2013

Delayed reading services - which client is better?

In our life, a lot of fuss: we rush from home to work, from work to home, in constant motion comes almost every one of us, so many banal lack cherished minutes reading news and interesting articles. But in public transport, you have the extra minute, is not it? Or another situation - you are reading their night twitter-tape and stumble upon an interesting link. But then many, many posts where there may be many more interesting links, and time is limited. Read one or read more? And if there interesting link? And if you go on a journey where the unlikely can often go online and read something on the topic you want to? To solve such problems, there are deferred reading services, the most famous of which - Pocket, Instapaper and Readability.  

A bit of history It is easy to guess that these programs are migrated to Android from iOS, as well as many others. Somewhere in the spring of this year, the founder of this type of program, Read It Later, rebranded and appeared Pocket, which I personally use on a tablet more than the application "Phone "on your phone. But why not try an alternative? Undoubtedly, one of the key elements of the service is the script that singles out an article from the web-pages but this is difficult to identify a clear leader, so it will be a comparison of the official client.  

Readability First on the surgical table gets the youngest participant - the program Readability, which appeared only in the last year, and is now available on Android only in January.
After starting the program in front of you there is a general list of all the articles, but because of the author's generous spirit even on HD-smartphone only 3 stored material. At the top of the screen you can move the archive and favorites, and listnuv this part of the left, you will access to the settings edit the list and add a new article.

In each column, you can select a topic map (night or day), change the font size and change the font to read - defaults are 5 options to choose from, but you can buy a few more. Have not gone button to delete, move the archive and "share".
It is impossible not to note the ability to switch between articles, even without access to the general list - you would still only scroll to the beginning or end, and then pull down or up, respectively.
In the settings settings are minimal, you can select the frequency of updates, downloading articles only on Wi-Fi, switching topics. The application will please fans of iPhone-application design, but otherwise difficult to single out any features.Set Readability of Google Play Store

The program, which was formerly known as Read It Later, after one of the updates changed its name, has received a new design and is no longer divided into paid and free versions, and more recently, the developers announced that Android is their primary platform.
After the first time you enter your username and password will be shown a small guide on the use of the application. Then you get to the main screen, which is a list of all your saved articles. In the top bar you can switch between the tabs. By using the Bulk Edit you can easily edit this list - delete the content, move it to a read, add to favorites. You can choose to display the list - the thumbnail, or simply by line. All loaded quickly. In the article itself, you can switch between the skins (black for Amoled, beige and white), change the font type (only software), adjust the brightness of the screen, to increase or decrease font size, and quickly change the status of the article, adding to read or favorites. From the pleasant things in the settings you can enable paging gestures and buttons to adjust the volume. Update period is set with different intervals, but the most successful - push-update program swings article, even if you do not open, but sometimes there are problems.
Appendix pleased with its beautiful interface and scroll through different methods.Pocket Set of Google Play Store

Instapaper The service, which was originally developed for iOS, has recently become an official got a client and for Android. About the author of the program and its offspring can only say one thing - success story. The main idea of ​​the program - the user has to focus on reading.
The first application screen - it links to your library, your favorite articles and a list of saved publications. If you have created several folders (eg "recipes" and "cutting-out"), here they will go after the first three paragraphs in the presence of pages in them.

All saved articles can only be displayed in a list, but spending on them in the direction of the menu opens from which you can share the article on social networks, delete or move to another folder. In the bottom right, the point of showing the progress of your reading. The main disadvantage - a kind of jerky and appearance have read articles that disappear in a second.

Within each of the material available to you fast moving articles by category, deleting and setting the display: You can choose between six built-in fonts, change the indentation on the edges, switch to night and back to topic, edit line spacing, font size and screen brightness value.
Application settings a bit, only the most basic: the refresh rate (the step from 1 hour to 1 day frustrating), the number of articles downloaded, switching between themes.

Customize the display of the text is richer than the general settings, but the main disadvantage - some of the articles appear crooked titles. By the way, this is the only application that you want to buy - it costs about $ 3.Set Instapaper from Google Play Store

Summarizing The infrastructure allows each program to find addition to your favorite browser to easily add to the list. In the case of Instapaper you can support the developer by buying a paid subscription for $ 3 for 3 months. Each user has his own taste, someone will have to design for the soul Readability, but for some it can be a reason not to use this particular application. Interface design, beautiful and logical animation are the main advantages of this application. It is not suitable for the most demanding users, for which the appearance of the application will be given priority. As I see it, Instapaper fully expresses the idea of ​​a website: the main thing - reading. Here, switching between themes and customize the display of rich text, but somewhat frustrating issue with Russian captions. Updated veteran who is the Pocket, is a compromise between design and function, the interface is not as "Spartan" like Instapaper (and less features), but the setting is a little more than Readability (although someone design of the latter may be more to taste). In fact, each user will decide closer to him: for example, only Readability know how to properly save articles to his favorite site. In the Play Store you can find some third-party applications that can provide additional functions (for example, sound of the article), but the official clients can be called the most balanced solution.

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