Tuesday 4 June 2013

Boosted by One, HTC’s sales jump almost 50% in May. HTC One is holding strong against Samsung’s Galaxy S4

HTC has published its May monthly sales report a bit early. And it looks amazingly good.
It seems that HTC One was the breakthrough the Taiwanese company so desperately needed. Now, that they figured out the production problems, and are rolling out the One flagship around the world, sales are taking off at a great pace.

Compared to to the April of 2013, the monthly sales jumped by a whopping 48% – from $NT 19.6B to $NT29B (US$ 969M). And are almost 100% up since March. If the June continues along the same lines, HTC will handily beat their Q2 guidance of $NT 70 billion, and should bring in something around $NT80 billion ($2.7B) in revenues. And, HTC is also almost through with those very unfavorable yearly comparison declines. This May their revenues almost reached the sales levels of May 2012, showing only a very modest 3.35% decline. And since the numbers in 2012 only got worse as the year progressed – from now on YoY comparisons should look be pretty good.

Furthermore, this May was the month when HTC One had to go against Samsung’s Galaxy S4 head-on, for a full month, in any market it launched. And HTC’s flagship managed to hold its own, with no negative impact apparent from Samsung’s best selling star device.
This is now the second month since HTC One launched, and the second month of rapidly improving HTC sales. A two months does not a trend make, so to show a real turnaround, HTC will have to continue to surprise us to the upside for the rest of the year, and beyond. To do that, they’ll have to continue the heavy promotion of their flagship, expand their device portfolio to utilize HTC One halo effect, and come up with still more amazing devices.
The good news is, that with the rumored One Mini/M4, new Desire Models and rumored T6 phablet, decision to expand One Dual SIM markets from China exclusive to CIS – HTC is doing exactly that.
Things didn’t look as good for HTC ever since their rapid decline started back in Q4 2011.Source: HTC Investors

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