Wednesday 3 July 2013

Smartphones will run on solar energy

Power of smart phones are rising, the number of cores increases, the diagonal mutate into something great, but the battery of the device practically do not change. Moreover, in the struggle for subtlety devices manufacturers donate a capacity batteries, which are equipped with modern devices. Optimization of the system and the software is still rare, and can not significantly extend the work of selling gadgets.

French startup SunPartner Group offers its own solution to the problem, indicating that you can not simply add capacity, but simply charge the batteries directly during ispolzvoaniya even far from the source. After the power supply may be not only socket, but sunlight.

The guys from SunPartner working hard to create the most transparent solar cells. It is now managed to achieve 82% opacity. It is planned that these elements can be placed over the screen, so your smartphone can be charged directly at the time of use. It is unlikely that such will charge the battery faster than expend its charge. But inventing say that in this way it will be possible to obtain an increase in the autonomy of up to 20%, provided that your smartphone will be getting enough light.
While the invention is in the prototype stage, but the authors are confident that by the time of the start of production will be able to achieve transparency of 90%. And the cost of the smartphone when installing these items will increase by only $ 2.3, which should allow the technology to become truly mass.

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