Sunday 25 August 2013

Current ROM: CyanogenMod, MoDaCo and dual-boot HTC Explorer

This week is charged for our News section ROM. The main news comes from the hand of CyanogenMod, development team for excellence in Android. One of the most important news that have been released for the development of their custom software is that the "team" would be interested in profiting from their work, selling part of compiled code for your ROMS, giving economic output to the business sector.
So far the team's license was under the sponsorship of the Apache 2.0 and GPL licenses , so as has been told the team will license the code to make possible their sale then pose a blow to the open source development free software, of which there are many XDA developers who participated in the improvement of Cyanogen ROMS. It is hoped that these lines of code, which is supposed to have specific and general functions, not appear in ROMS of the equipment, to be sold to a third party. As recorded by John McKenzie at landofdroid blog , the ultimate test is based on the domain registration owned business KIRT Cyanogen INC MCMASTER so marketing could be managed through this company. As you can see in this portal is the slogan: "Are you ready for the revolution?" With the Android emblem. If you want to find all the specific details you can visit this link and more information on this link .

CyanogenMod detailing the operation and safety of your Device Finder
Continuing with more news about the most famous team of Android development, this week have known the details of Device Finder through the Google+ profile of, Koushik Dutta, one of the team leaders and through the official blog , in which us a really powerful tool to track and manage devices in an efficient and safe. The project started with the idea of offering a completely reliable, efficient and security holes, so no passwords are stored on your server, providing a secure connection using javascript for correct data encryption, generating a public key for that process. "The data are really opaque" has assured the team, adding that he poses a risk to consumer privacy, "providing transportation" between the client device and server. Also communicate have ensured that the team never sell this data to third parties to make peace and users to changes of ownership or political future, in which only you have access to tracking the location of your device or deleting data remotely. Finally, the company has published the code of the application for those users who want to check their integrity and functioning. If you are eager to try this utility, you must know that Device Finder will be included in future versions of its Android-based ROMs, so the wait will not be too long.

CyanogenMod reaches S4 Mini Samsung Galaxy Nexus LTE and S
This team was to develop, hence the reputation that precedes it. This week has recent published versions for devices Mini Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE version and the Nexus S , with ROMS "nightlies" CyanogenMod 10.1 and 10.2 respectively. The international publication of the ROM in this case for the Samsung Galaxy S4 is for LTE versions, so you do not have to install the ROM if you have the 3G version. Recall that the 10.1 version of Cyanogen is based on Android 4.2.2, so it is expected that in future version 10.2 remove it from Android 4.3 such as the Nexus S. We must also know that these versions are preliminary and will enter into a phase of updates until they are completely stable, so it is not advisable to install at least for the moment, for long wear and daily for errors and bugs that may appear in said terminals.

CyanogenMod widgets discarded energy for the arrival of the Quick Access Ribbon
Following a bit more with this team this week announced via Google+ widgets withdrawal of energy in future ROMS, since according to them, such notifications have been very successful since the birth of CyanogenMod 7, but the maintenance and utility these is weakened. The intention is to compete with the quick settings in the Samsung TouchWiz, integrating the system called Quick Access Ribbon In fact been reported that more than 3000 lines of code in your compilations for it these widgets will be reduced to only 370 new lines with a refurbished product and efficient to switch the tool settings. However, the new application will provide a new and improved design, with elegant shapes, with full access for customizing your "quick adjustments tape" by the user and a real increase in performance. For now just know that "will soon", so for now we will continue with these widgets until you get the upgrade. We leave you with a snapshot of what will be Quick Access Ribbon.

MoDaCo.SWITCH lands on Samsung Galaxy S4
As announced a few weeks ago Paul O'Brien team had begun raising funds to finance this and other devices for possible development and expansion following the launch of the software on the HTC One . A priority was the coming to Samsung Galaxy S4 and it has. For now, the team of MoDaCo has launched its first private beta, only for those who helped and participated financially, so you still have to wait a while until it comes out publicly and accessible to all. If you are wanting to know what is MoDaCo.SWITCH, know that it is an application that is installed on your system like any other program, enabling management to run ROM we want in our system with a simple reboot of the terminal. The difference between a modification of the kernel on a dual-boot ROM as the views so far and MoDaCo.SWITCH is that the latter allows you to toggle between Google Edition with Android version 4.3 from our Samsung Galaxy S4 and system default version with TouchWiz, including switchup tool that lets you update your system automatically when new versions. We leave you with a video that describes perfectly the operation of MoDaCo.SWITCH for our Samsung Galaxy S4.
Patched Nexus 7 problems
We jump now to Google and their recent problems with the tablet Nexus 7. As explained in recent weeks, many users including community development, they had found and reported some bugs like the ghost touches on the screen, failures in implementing keyboard and GPS problems that interrupted connection after a while. Google has taken note, and this week has released two patches in a single update to provide an effective solution to those users suffering from this problem. This update called JSS15Q can be performed OTA and in order to placate the angry users clamoring for instant solutions following the acquisition of the terminal. Apparently some rooteado device users have had problems with the update, since the loss of privileges until the cancellation of the upgrade. We recall that these problems were happening in remittances released in North America and if this update works as it should, the launch in Spain scheduled for August 28 in Googe Play Spain, will be much more quiet and attractive to the consumer, which in principle need not worry about the errors mentioned above. We can not end this article without mentioning mention and thank the guys at XDA Developers who provided all the support to Google, so that the problem was solved in the quickest and most efficient way possible.

The dual-boot arrives for the HTC Explorer
We had a news for owners of HTC Explorer, also known as HTC Pico. JohnCarter and NickHalden XDA community members have found a way to run what is known as dual-boot, that is the ability to switch execution two different ROMS on the same system, so you can have a Cyanogen ROM and default Sense in that terminal without any problems. The method to achieve this is to make three partitions on the SD-Ext, which allows a primary and a secondary ROM which can be alternated when the user wanted. The switching between ROMS application called "Dual Boot Pico App" has been developed for this purpose by galaxyfreak one of the guys from XDA. In fact, also has some limitations as to the main ROM can only be CyanogenMod Beta 6, although not as high ROM SD-Ext partitions use as a CyanogenMod CyanogenMod 9 and 10 so that there is a major constraint. For further information, answer questions or access the installation guide we leave you with this thread , which will provide all the information you need. Also leave you with a video explaining the operation of the utility.

Installs Clock on your mobile regardless of the basis you use
Now finished with the CyanogenMod ROM and clock widget, one of those extras that already include the 10.1 and 10.2 versions until now was only available in their ROMS. It has issued an installable version of it in any system even if not from Cyanogen, provided you have a Android version 4.2 or higher, so from now you can enjoy this widget for your lock screen. Clock includes time and alarm options, climate, configuration with the default calendar and of course the widget settings. This version has been published in clock XDA so not available on Google Play. We leave you with the link to the support forum and the link to download the latest version of Clock.

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