Thursday 29 August 2013

Enhances colors of your Nexus 4 for Display Control

There is no doubt that the Nexus 4 is an excellent terminal. Moreover, it has become a day to day a better option even if fit, since their price dropped 100 euros yesterday. Now the 8GB version can be purchased for $ 199 and 16GB for $ 249 on Google Play Store. So Patricia Alvarado told us in his article yesterday.

Although it is an excellent purchase today compared to medium to high, the Google Nexus 4 (manufactured by LG) has become increasingly difficult to compete with the high end. The processor can not cope (peer to peer) to those of the last generation, obviously. And the screen shows something "outdated" about recent market panels. Either way, there are things that the software can not fix but it can dramatically improve. That is precisely the core of this article, in which you count what you have to do to improve the quality of the results offered by Nexus screen 4.

Control Display exploits the full potential of the screen of the Nexus 4

Do not sound weird at all to anyone reading that Control Display comes from XDA developer community, right? We will not tire of thanking all Android users, the work that these people do support offering smartphones with Android operating system. Acknowledgments aside, it's time to get to work with the Nexus screen 4.
Display Control can not avoid blind spots Nexus screen 4 or can provide it with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, but what you can do is to exploit the full potential of the screen of the Nexus 4. That is precisely what we will achieve with this "tweak", optimize the use of hardware through a powerful software.
To use Control Display, the first thing we need to do (if you have unlocked the bootloader and rooteado above) is flashing a new kernel, namely: franco.kernel . The application of this kernel configuration, through Google Play Store is priced at $ 1.99, but its developer has decided to offer free on XDA developers page developers from which everyone can download it and install it once we flashed the custom kernel.

How to install on my Nexus Display Control 4?

The only tricky part in this process (and the Nexus 4 is really easy) is flashing one custom kernel, specifically franco.kernel. The rest of the process is as simple as installing a free application and install it on our Nexus 4. The application can download it by clicking here and notify you that it is the same that is in the Play Store of Google, it is a "version" specific to the Nexus 4 and for any other device more.
Source: XDA developers

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