Thursday 29 August 2013

LINE, WhatsApp competition, not as safe as we thought

The instant messaging service to competition came to WhatsApp, has reached a very good position in the market. So far it is the only mobile application that really approaches with WeChat WhatsApp. However, that does not mean it is the best, the worst, or anything like that. It is simply an indication of the market trend. So much so, that now oppresses media pressure the company Naver LINE as their service be easy to others to spy on private conversations.

The charges of which we speak have their origin in Thailand. Here, Naver has 18 of its 230 million users LINE, and among them, several journalists TelecomAsia , they have been able to intercept a chat through this courier. When these things happen, the first thing we usually go through your head is that he was a computer hacker or something like that. Well, to gauge the extent of the matter, it should be noted that several journalists have been TelecomAsia .
What these journalists did, was to make use of software that gives the ability to capture packets. Thus, a series of packets intercepted a conversation through instant messaging application for LINE, then store it in a computer and to "decipher" with all the tranquility of the world, without haste.

The problem is in the encryption

Interestingly, when LINE is operating under a network connection Wi-Fi, messages are sent encrypted. However, when we use LINE on a data connection network, ie mobile internet, the messages we send and receive in LINE is not encrypted. The explanation that a connection be encrypted under the posts and under the other not sent encrypted, we can read explained by Naver's own engineers, who in January detailed SPDY protocol adaptation. In short, warrant stating that the encryption "Slow connection times and transfer, especially through mobile connections". For this reason, when we are using a cellular network, keep private conversations are not encrypted and are capable of being spied on. This topic many people will not care because the fact that they spy on their conversations or not, does not pose any risk. But beyond that may or may not hurt us, where is our privacy?
Source: TelecomAsia Via: TheNextWeb

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