Thursday 12 September 2013

The iPhone 5S battery has a capacity of 1,570 mAh

Apple never provides specific technical details of the equipment and the capacity of battery charge, at least in the terms that usually handle. In the case of the iPhone 5S has not been an exception, although the official presentation of the model indicated that it would be of greater capacity. Now, through some FCC documents has been able to "measure" how many milliamps provides: 1,570 mAh.

We are used to quantify the range of electronic devices, in this case a smartphone, from the electric charge of the battery measured in mAh (milliamp / minute).  
Although there are many determining factors as the type of components and power (forgive sample screen or processor), or the degree of optimization of the software, there is always some direct linkage with the "size" of the battery. In the case of the new iPhone we find that the manufacturer only provides battery life in hours, unable to see how many mAh available.

Details implicit discovered in the FCC

In the live presentation we heard how Phil Schiller pointed out that the autonomy of the iPhone iPhone 5S 5C and would remain at the cost of slightly increasing the capacity of their batteries. However, no trace of that data. Now, some FCC documents , the agency responsible for certifying these devices for sale, we uncover several parameters through which one can calculate the number we seek.

Pure physical

As shown in the screenshots, the regulator has technical details on the battery, both the iPhone and the iPhone 5S 5C. The former indicates that the battery capacity (in units of power per time) is 5.96 Wh. For iPhone 5C would be talking about 5.73 Wh. As the tab also provides the battery voltage of 3.8 volts, it was possible to calculate the size of said element in mAh.

Capacity exposed

The end result is that the iPhone 5S will have 1,570 mAh, 10% more than the battery of the previous model, the iPhone 5, which was of 1,440 mAh. Regarding the iPhone 5C, the same calculation results in a 1,507 mAh, which results in 5% more cargo. Now that we have runtimes provided by the manufacturer and the battery capacity, time to personally test optimization software and the hardware itself and if indeed the independence of the new models improve significantly.

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