Thursday 12 September 2013

Nokia Lumia 1020 PureView camera test

On the occasion of the commercial launch of the Nokia Lumia 1020 in Europe we have had occasion to test in detail the model with Windows Phone 8, especially the operation and results of its powerful photographic camera. Here we show a video in which we test its main functions, features and management proposed by the suite Nokia Camera. The Nokia Lumia 1020 is not only one of the most powerful phones with Windows Phone. It is also the digital camera model evolved into the smartphone market. It may be the only team capable of providing images with a quality close to that are able to provide any compact camera. Therefore, the element is one of the most attractive of all components.

In our hands: first impressions

In our first contact with the Nokia Lumia 1020 we had the opportunity to check the power of the smartphone is more than enough to provide a 100% user experience rewarding. At all times, Windows Phone runs with complete ease. The screen does not disappoint at all so much for its image quality and its sensitivity and response. However, we wanted to focus all eyes on the camera and this is the result.

Nokia Camera and PureView, players without exception

First choose Nokia Camera , the software responsible for managing the endless possibilities of the sensor and PureView technology that holds the Nokia Lumia 1020. Once you launch the application, we see that this interface corresponds fully to the design of the system itself. Minimalism in its purest form that guarantees not to lose one of its functions. As you can see in one of the video sequences in the top we have access to key camera settings. Once select any of these, can adjust the parameters using a circular touch interface mode selector. It's very simple. From there the manual mode challenges our knowledge in photography so that the results depend on selecting the correct settings in the white balance, ISO speed, exposure level or type of approach. However, it is also possible to activate the automatic mode for the camera select the most appropriate values.
Once we begin to capture the first pictures we can see how quickly the shot and xenon flash power. The result of the catch, as shown, can not be more impressive. The sharpness and detail of each and every one of the focus points denote the good work of the whole. In this test we focus on the textures of couture jeans and a luggage bag. Also, during the process of checking the level of detail we could see how the 2GB of RAM make the images to zoom into a pleasure. Perhaps the point has convinced us most was the system of optical image stabilization. The corrections performed by the optical group lenses in motion capture is outstanding. In our case we wanted to bring the performance end, but we must keep in mind that it is not common in the daily life.  It's just a sample of their effectiveness.

The ideal for photography lovers

Finally, we had the opportunity to test the most useful accessory for those who look at the Nokia Lumia 1020 a camera to use. Is Nokia Camera Grip , a sort of shell that serves various purposes. The first is to provide a bulkier body and ergonomic for photo shoots give us a sense as close as possible to the would experience with a DSLR in hand (leaving aside the weight difference). In fact, after our touchdown can say that the fixture design greatly improves the performance of the camera. Also, this supplement is used to increase the autonomy of the smartphone. The 1020 mAh in addition to the 2,000 of the phone itself, prolonging the use of the camera, especially in dark environments where it is necessary to use the flash or video recording. As we explain in this video, the case even includes a scale of LED lights that indicate the level of additional battery charge and a system to start or stop automatic recharging battery Lumia 1020 from energy accumulated in the Nokia Camera Grip.

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