Thursday 12 September 2013

The Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 925 also integrate Camera

At the launch of Nokia Lumia 1020 and its impressive 41 megapixel camera check not only the photographic result provides the sensor, but also could see the software in action - Nokia Camera - managing the myriad of features like camera. As indicated by the firm, this tool will also be available on the Nokia Lumia PureView, the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 925 via an update: Amber.

The arrival of the Nokia Lumia 1020 was a major change in the smartphone market. We can consider that Nokia has revolutionized the smartphone segment, at least as far as photography is concerned. And is that the Finns have included in their new flagship technology available to few manufacturers right now. While the features of the camera are spectacular, no less impressive is the software that manages: Nokia Camera.

The virtues of Nokia Camera: simplicity and effectiveness

The secret of Nokia Camera is the ability to give users a simple means most of settings that would use a professional photograph. Best of all is that these settings are fully configurable touch screen terminal, without having to resort to the spinners and buttons you would find on a DSLR. Everything is done through a simple but effective interface from which circular lines with finger scrolling are adjustable parameters such as shutter speed, exposure value, ISO sensitivity, white balance and even manual focus.

Nokia Amber, a major update

According to the official Nokia blog , the camera application the Nokia Lumia 1020 also come to other models with PureView technology and Windows Phone 8. Therefore, we are talking about the Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Lumia 925 and Nokia Lumia 928 (American variant of the first) will have most of the features offered by Nokia Camera. We say much since it is expected that hardware unique features Nokia Lumia 1020 may not play due to incompatibility in the rest of Nokia Lumia with PureView. It will be through an update, Nokia Amber, the means by which these terminals will have the opportunity to offer some of the features of the Lumia camera generation. As for the release date of the software upgrade, which will also include other news as the activation of the FM radio is still unknown the exact date because the company has only said that the update will occur in summer.

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