Monday 2 September 2013

The Nokia Lumia 1020 Movistar? Exclusive version with 64 GB?

Although the Nokia Lumia 1020 and was launched last July 11, the manufacturer will make its most advanced Nokia Lumia shape the next event in London. The event will not miss Telefonica guest who have the honor of announcing an agreement with the firm of Espoo. It is expected that the Spanish business group to publicize the commercial launch of an exclusive version of the smartphone that, clearly, is the model with 64 GB of internal memory.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 will fully support Telefónica's commercial in Europe and Latin America, the latter region in which Nokia with Windows Phone are highly respected. The agreement between manufacturer and operator is total and the cooperation of both will bring a special version of the terminal. As rumored the same day it was introduced, the new Nokia Lumia not only come in 32GB flavor. Movistar in Spain, O2 in Europe and Vivo in South America will have advantage by offering a 64 GB.

A secret

The own subsidiary of Telefonica in Costa Rica and echoes the news , although the official source does not mention which version is specific. And the official announcement will be borne by Nokia and Telefónica on 10 September in London, as we gathered yesterday in another article . However, it is expected that the corroboration biggest surprise of exclusive sales of the Nokia Lumia 1020 of 64 GB.

Extra space

Since the basic model will feature 32 GB, with no possibility of inserting microSD cards and with only the support of Microsoft Cloud (7 GB in SkyDrive), Movistar version could become the claim that the operator needs. And is that a team that has a PureView camera with 41 megapixel sensor and FullHD video recording will require, as a rule, a good number of bytes to store the medium term all multimedia created.

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