Monday 9 September 2013

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus will have support for Flash Player in December

The launch of Samsung Galaxy Nexus has been accompanied by the lack of support for embedded content with Adobe Flash technology. However, the software company has announced it will launch for the last time your Flash Player compatible with Ice Cream Sandwich during the month of December.

Steve Jobs, to be alive, would be proud of his prediction. Never bet on technology and Adobe Flash Player content by arguments such as lack of security and poor code optimization (high energy expenditure, resource requirement ...). In fact, their portable devices iPhone 4S and iPad 2 are not supported. Adobe seems to have given the reason as a few weeks ago that it would stop paying communicated suppor t for different mobile platforms that are currently compatible with Flash animation content.

Web browsing experience "incomplete"

Given this situation, and to the surprise of most, the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus came to market without the famous plugin compatibility with Flash Player 11.1. The application is standard or operating system and can be installed from Android Market. Apparently, the development of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich has been well ahead of the Adobe support group, which has its unique Flash Player adapted to the new version of the Google operating system just as it did in previous versions like Froyo or Gingerbread . Also not included Adobe AIR, the runtime environment of California company. The result is that all the content embedded in web pages with Flash is invisible to the browser of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. No games, no streaming video, no ads ... Let's say the web browsing experience is not complete.

Updated in December

However, even though Adobe will abandon the development of this technology for major mobile platforms, yes there will be a latest version for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. According to the forecast of Adobe Systems, updating your media player for Android coming in December, but do not specify a particular date. From that moment, when you release the latest update, the San Jose company forget smartphones and tablets.

HTML5, the future networks Network

The logical question that comes to mind is what happens when Google continues to evolve its operating system. Hopefully when that happens the new HTML5 standard start taking the final impetus to be the alternative to Flash from Adobe and our smartphone not remain "blind" on the World Wide Web. Source

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