Tuesday 10 September 2013

7 with the new LTE Nexus starts shipping

When Google made ​​the official presentation of the second generation of its 7-inch tablet also could see how there would be two versions: one with and one with wireless connectivity in addition to WiFi LTE connectivity.
But until now we could only buy the first model, the features are only wireless connectivity. Now, some time later, it seems that Google has already begun to deploy the second model of the new Nexus 7 thus meeting the deadlines set, and how could it be otherwise the first lucky none other than Americans.
But do not despair, because if you are of those who are awaiting the arrival of this model with LTE to present you with the new Nexus 7 does not have to wait long because in Spain there is also the possibility to buy it now.
The new 7 with LTE Nexus is not only compatible with 3G networks, but also supports the high-speed 4G networks, namely the bands 700, 850, AWS and 1900, so that countries that have deployed a 4G network , as in Spain recently, can enjoy the maximum speed with your Google tablet.

The new LTE Nexus 7 available via Fnac Spain

In the U.S. market we find the new Nexus 7 with LTE connectivity and 32GB capacity priced at $ 349 with a T-Mobile card. For now, still does not appear in the Google Store Play in our country, but it sure does not take long to make an appearance so that users can buy.
As I have said before it is possible to buy this model in Spain, but not through Google Play Store, but through the online store FNAC , where we found the free tablet device, with a price of 349 euros . As we see, this is July Nexus LTE model 32GB capacity, the same as it has begun distributing in the United States.

We recall that the new Nexus 7 is one of the best market offers 7-inch tablets today, with a high quality display with a resolution of 1,920 x 1,200 pixels, and the version of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean series, the latest version of system launched by Google, which is also an Android version free pure customization layers as it is a Nexus device. And best of all, no doubt, is that it has a very affordable price. Source: Google+

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