Monday 9 September 2013

Leaked GDR3 update details of Windows Phone 8

After the earthquake this week with the purchase of the mobile phone division of Nokia by Microsoft, to completely engulf the universe Windows Phone 8, it seems that the other less important news. But this, surely, that much interested users of the Redmond OS.

The fact is that almost by chance, have leaked many details that will GDR3 update for Windows Phone 8 should already be at the gates of our phones and that, surely, we can enjoy it almost as well as the upcoming Nokia Lumia 1520, the latest flagship? Finns as an independent company?
The leak occurred when a user of the Central WP forums said he had bought a mobile (one Lumia 920) already brought the update installed, so I just had to get all the news screens and share to the world know what will bring this GDR3 Windows Phone 8.

The first thing you notice is the handsfree options are now automatic and prevent mobile have to fiddle with placing and removing things several times a day. As we apply this update, the phone off by himself calls and messages when connected to car bluetooth.
Also added screen rotation (which you can see in the leaked images above) as well as the ability to customize text sounds, the 'voice mail' email and reminders. Also, it will be easy to close applications in multitasking mode (below).

Finally, the update GDR3 bring an old option that already existed in Windows Phone 7 and it was a chance to restore a copy of seguriad through Wifi and, with the arrival of WP 8 disappeared. Now again, we can do it again. via: The Verge

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