Sunday 8 September 2013

Meet Spotbros, the new alternative to WhatsApp

Started competitiveness between different IM applications in order to become the best. Who will win? Now we present Spotbros a clear alternative to the popular Whatsapp.

This week we met a great alternative to Whatsapp, which may revolutionize the world of mobile instant messaging in the coming months thanks to their interesting news.

We talked about Spotbros. Spotbros has been launched as a new communication platform like Whatsapp but with a few quirks that make it special, such as the ability to do "Shouts".

Strong element, privacy

Like other instant messaging systems, messages can be sent to any user anywhere in the world. One of the great advantages that plays Spotbros, is privacy, which only shows on your calendar to contacts that you have added on your mobile, so that if you have added a friend and your friend you do not , you can not add it to Spotbros.

Another novelty it brings is the ability to do "Shouts" as mentioned above. A "Shout" is a message that you can send, either to ask about a restaurant or to try to find out what happened somewhere, and that is sent to all people who use the service and are near that area, with a maximum radius of a mile. It also includes the "Spot", a kind of public chat group located at a site where you can discuss and comment on this area to have occasional reference to what you seek.

Social functions

But surely, the big difference compared to other communication systems is the "Status Feed," a scroll bar that is located on the "Activity" where you will find all the social functions that need to be aware of all you do your friends. You can even change your status or send multimedia messages up to four in a row.

The application is free, is available in Spanish, and although currently only available for Android, warn that soon will become the platform, in order to reach more sites around the world. Do you? What do you think about this app that looks promising? You think you have a future? For the moment, it is assured success ...

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