Monday 9 September 2013

Samsung sells 5 million Galaxy Note 2

Samsung sells 5 million Galaxy Note 2 in two months, We started a week with optimistic news for Samsung. Korean multinational, which officially communicated early November it had reached three million Galaxy Note II, would have gotten and five million "phablets" sold. According to the source of this information, just two weeks would have been enough to achieve this figure.

The success of the Samsung Galaxy Note II has been since the beginning, gradually increasing their sales figures as the company has been introducing marketing in most countries. The amount of five million units in two months, we have met through Sammy Hub , is truly surprising because this would mean that the last two million Note II sold, have managed to sell in the past two weeks. This appears possible because of the gradual incorporation of the device into a larger number of markets. In fact, the Galaxy Note II already sold in 128 countries worldwide.
Still, the figure is impressive. The best way to understand the milestone achieved by the Samsung Galaxy Note II is to compare it with the way he handled his predecessor, the Original Note. The latter team cost him five months to reach five million units sold. In favor of the first version I must say that was in charge of opening the segment of "phablets" and today we shape what has become a new area of ​​success within mobile devices.

Samsung wins

The Korean company is the world's number one mobile technology. His success in the market with some of its mobile products has led him to achieve this position. And not just talking about the Galaxy Note II or the various models of Galaxy Tab tablets, we also have to name the powerful Galaxy S III has already exceeded 30 million units sold since its launch in May. In view of the figures that we know, it looks like Samsung will repeat its success in the market when the end of the last quarter of the year also coincides with the Christmas season.

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