Monday 9 September 2013

Sony Xperia Z1: analysis of its supercámara

The Sony Xperia Z1 has been one of the stars of last year and the IFA, a model that attempts to finally bring quality compact cameras to the world of photography. A mobile phone that the company has made with care and aims to identify even more to Sony with the world of mobile photos.
A phone whose camera we tested thoroughly. The truth is that the number of the resolution of the camera, with its 20.7 MP, is strong and waiting for the arrival of the Nokia 1020 there neither comes close to the market. But as we have said on another occasion this is not just about resolution, but quality. So the best way to check it has not been something to do photos and a video to see what it is capable Sony Xperia Z1.

Details of the camera

The camera beyond its 20.7 megapixel has as you can see in the accompanying photo has three points differential. In the back of all is the BIONZ processor, responsible for implementing the wisdom of Cybershot on mobile technology. It features like image stabilization are implemented. In front of the light sensor with Exmor meets RS. Just before the light encounters the Exmor sensor RS, according to the firm similar to that found in some of their cameras. Same size is ½, 3 inches, that is the greatest thing that's on mobile. Front reaches another key parts of the camera, lenses and even more in the mobile where you can apply lens sizes similar to what we find in the street camera. Here are infused with G Lens technology, one of the stars of Sony, with a focal length of 27 mm. and a maximum aperture of F2.0. A lens as with the Nokia Lumia 925, has an actual size larger than you usually find in other phones.
Outside the technical data and speculations, the reality is that since we have nothing like team photos and a video to see what can this model that the firm wants to strike a blow at the table in terms of mobile good camera is concerned.

On the ground

The first thing is that you commented sized photos you can see the end in the links you have left. That said we have seen that photo outside are four shots in which we see the behavior of the camera. Where we have areas with high and low light (dynamic range) in one of the photos has been exceptional behavior, we see a street along, that we believe that the camera was unable to better compensate shadow areas. By contrast, in the other two we have a very dark area should raise any point in the less light. While exiting the pool has solved within what we expect. The decision we have made the front car park with green has taken more than natural, and is "not burned" by the light, because we assure you that the light was very strong and intense at the time. In fact in the latter takes the automatic mode has lowered the ISO to 50 and shot at breakneck speed: 1/1600 with F2.

Something similar has happened in the photo that you see along the road. By contrast in the pictures with dark areas remained ISO levels 50 and higher speeds conclusion, in these situations, the camera (either the sensor or processor) capture area there are more light and should make more on the low light area. The best photo in the series is undoubtedly the stone wall, there has been able to read the situation perfectly. It was four in the afternoon, the sun was out of hand, it was easy to burn the image and not only have not done, but it has managed to make the dark area on the left side of the shot.

One of the shots that we liked even more graphically than the brighter the the ladder. In it we see not only the ability to focus and depth of field of the camera, but we also see how it behaves in low light environments. This photo has been made without flash, important detail, with an ISO of 320 and a speed of 1/64. It has noise, but tiny for a phone that shoots at such a low speed without flash and captures every last step of three floors.

Photos without flash in dark areas are always blatantly impossible for mobiles. So we made a decision a dimly lit hall, excellent result. In another held at the landing almost without light and flash, the camera chooses to climb down the ISO to 500 (800 in the above) and further reduce the speed, something that was expected but mostly we think of cinema, because unless ISO less grain. As to tangle nothing like a dark picture 100% on the landing without any light. Speed ​​of 1/16 and ISO 1600 with flash results in what you see. No doubt those shots, do not forget the highest difficulty, insurmountable for mobiles.
In the details as you would expect macro mode and well met. While the picture of the bottle of water and coffee to take in hand we look very good. It is clear that we have no macro, but it does. When you lose focus so close, in some shots, some focus on ends, not punishable because it is something that happens in large entity macros when you take the minimal approach to the extreme. This is the case pen photo, that of the model or the keypad of the printer. The rest as already discussed have gone well and not seen that effect.
The camera seems very good, for us the highlight is the shutter speed and as you know play in most scenarios. Posts to loop the loop is missing maybe a little more color contrast. Furthermore struck us that every shot has been made in automatic mode and the F value has always been 2, ie in automatic mode the camera should tend to close more whenever there is too much light, as was the case the exterior shots. The processor has given clear cash and disparate behavior in different sockets bill. The photos are also huge, there you are an authority 20.7.

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