Wednesday 11 September 2013

The white Nokia Lumia 900 appears on Facebook by an oversight

A careless Nokia yesterday has led to the accidental release of photographs in which shows the Nokia Lumia 900 in white. The oversight, intentional or not, is produced through different channels of information from the firm notifying the arrival of the Nokia Lumia 800 white, among which is included the firm's account on Facebook.

Any detail, however small, just to get more information on the account. This time the consequences are not worrying, we suppose, but there are cases that are much worse. And the announcement of the white version of the Nokia Lumia 800 finally unveil not one but two versions.

Trails that are not cleared

Once you "get something" on the Web there is no turning back, no turning back. Someone is always lurking just to find what others can not. This is what happened yesterday when the firm wanted ESPO announce the arrival of a new special version of the Nokia Lumia 800. It was the arrival of the white to the variety of colors (black, cyan and magenta) and available from the Nokia Lumia Windows Phone. Nokia's advertising appeared on his official blog and Facebook account. Why not, not without photographs from all perspectives that these hours are no longer available.

Details developers

However, some lynx noticed certain details in photographs allegedly showing the Nokia Lumia 800 white . As many of you know, the Nokia Lumia 800 and Lumia 900 are very similar. If we look carefully we can conclude that there are two models of the same design but different size. However, there are details that differentiate without giving rise to doubts. The microUSB jack, and above all, the front camera mounted on the Nokia Lumia 900, the Lumia 800 nonexistent. It was also appreciated that the display did not have the small curvature feature on the Nokia Lumia 800. These tracks have finally reveal covert the Nokia Lumia 900 white. Furthermore, it seems that even some users have had the opportunity to book the model in that color from the booking page for the U.S. market enabled. While we do not influence right now, we hope that soon the company launches a compatible version for Europe and, therefore, is also available in white.

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