Sunday 8 September 2013

WhatsApp continues to problems in iPhone 5

Follow the confusing relationship between WhatsApp and iOS, the operating system built into the iPhone. Although its developers often choose this platform to launch its new initial form and then extend them to the rest, some functions are still not functioning or cause problems.

Our fellow echo in continuity failures WhatsApp in iPhone 5 . The latest mobile from Apple, which hit the market a month ago, is no stranger to the problems of the most widespread messaging application with the operating system of the company.

To understand these problems we must go back to July, when service developers restated to version 2.8.1 incorporating a serious mistake. "If you have an iPhone we ask that you do not update your WhatsApp" immediately alerted the company responsible for the implementation, since bug was eliminated thanks to all the conversation history between you and your contacts without there being any way to recover.

Though the developers tried to have a wink soon to iPhone users by launching the exclusive option to hide the last time that had been connected to the application, the problems have persisted. Until three times since the discovery of the fault WhatsApp has been forced to notify their users of iOS that the service stopped working due to technical problems.

The update to that version has performance problems sometimes after the resolution of the bug. Also incorporated new aesthetic as the ability to add your own picture profile for the visionasen our contacts or custom wallpaper for talks. After three updates, the platform has been anchored for a month in version 2.8.4, which is not ready for iPhone 5 and does not fit the right way to the new 4-inch screen mobile last of Cupertino , like the profile pictures of the users remain updated or are blank.
No doubt that from WhatsApp are working for proper operation of your iPhone application and for now the problems are not very serious. However, surprisingly slow in updating the service for a range of terminals as important as the iPhone as there are other alternatives in the sector in the future could threaten its hegemony.

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