Monday 7 October 2013

New Nokia Lumia 2520 photo, the tablet with Windows Phone 8

Not the first time I say, and not the last. Nokia has an important event prepared for next October 22, at which present a total of 6 devices including phablet expected the first Finnish company Nokia Lumia 2520, which today we bring you a new photograph has been filtered. The new picture is especially interesting to show a rear pin attachment, which would serve to keep "standing" on a table, for example.

Not only is this an important event presentation by the number of devices, but on 22 October in Abu Dhabi will Nokia's attention by all means to be released, at least, two new markets currently not competing with other manufacturers. We are referring to phablets market that are just smart phones large screen, and the tablet market, where it will land the Finns with the Nokia Lumia 2520.

New Photography 2520 leaked Nokia Lumia, Nokia tablet

As we mentioned, the new photography pin serves to comment on the back of Nokia Lumia 2520 which will serve to support the device like a picture frame in question. We have seen this type of support in Microsoft Surface, and are especially comfortable when using the tablet on a desk and a keyboard to type, for example.
And if you had not seen, also leaked wallpapers assumptions including Nokia Tablet Nokia Lumia Named 2520. Of note is the fact that the only thing that stands out in these wallpapers is the contrast of colors, are we are hiding something Windows Phone 8 GDR3 addition to what we have seen so far?
And finally, I also left another photograph we had already seen the Nokia Lumia 2520 in red. Only thirteen days we have to wait longer to know the colors that this tablet will be available, but considering the wallpapers that have leaked ... red, black, purple and yellow? Perhaps these are the colors of the Nokia tablet, or maybe not. Source.

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